St. Luke's Church council is the leadership body of the church, elected by the congregation. 

Together we provide guidance and leadership  to our members. 

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback of any kind, please let us know! 

  • Dick Hensley


    Favorite thing about St. Luke's:   Our membership & legacy 

    Favorite Memory at St. Luke's:  Working together to navigate the challenges of COVID.   

    Favorite Bible Verse:  Philippians 4:13 - - "I can do all things through him who strengthens me."

    Favorite Free Time Activity:   Golf & Pickle Ball

  • nate keller


    Favorite thing about St. Luke's:  

    Favorite Memory at St. Luke's:  

    Favorite Bible Verse:  

    Favorite Free Time Activity:  

  • Robin Gross


    Favorite thing about St. Luke's:  My favorite thing about St. Luke's is the community of members who feel like a second family to me. When I am at church I am surrounded by people whom I have grown up with my whole life and who support and care for me and my family.

    Favorite Memory at St. Luke's:  How can I pick just one? When I think back through my memories at St. Luke's my most pleasant ones are where I have been either traveling, serving or in fellowship with others. But the memories that top them all are my own wedding, or the baptisms' of my daughters

    Favorite Bible Verse:  

    Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me    

    Favorite Free Time Activity: In my minimal free time I enjoy listening to audio books or reading and watching movies. I also enjoy cooking or baking with my daughters and bowling.

  • Mark Ohlert


    Favorite thing about St. Luke's:  The people who have a special way of growing their beliefs and interests into friendships.

    Favorite Memory at St. Luke's:  Christmas Eve Candlelight Services with family. It is hard to beat the combination of the flicker of the candles on the kids' faces with the solemnity and innocence of Silent Night.

    Favorite Bible Verse:   Colossians 2:6-8 - - "Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition,  according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ."

    Favorite Free Time Activity:  Traveling to visit family, friends, historical places, and of course, our national parks.



    Favorite thing about St. Luke's: How Debbie and I were welcomed into the St. Luke's community. 

    Favorite Memory at St. Luke's:  Playing Martin Luther in the St. Luke's 500th anniversary Reformation celebration.  I have come full cycle - 12 years Catholic education- now I was playing Martin Luther. 

    Favorite Bible Verse:  Story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) - - It always makes me think of the son that stayed and worked - it gets me thinking of the love of God and family .

    Favorite Free Time Activity:  Golf - when I get home from a round of golf Debbie always asks me how I did - the answer is always the same - the weather was lovely. 

  • dan dordel

    financial  secretary    

    Favorite thing about St. Luke's:  I love my church family. We have such a welcoming church and I never take that for granted. 

    Favorite Memory at St. Luke's: SO many memories. Hard to pick one - so I will say my wedding, baptism for Kelly, baptism for Derek, every Packer party, and dinner for 8!

    Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:13 - - "I can do all this through him who gives me strength."


    Favorite Free Time Activity:  Playing golf, coaching baseball & softball. 

  • Steve palecek

    member at-large     

    Favorite thing about St. Luke's: A common response would be to say it's the people, BUT I really do the enjoy the fellowship. It's so easy to get involved in activities at the church and the communities around Milwaukee.

    Favorite Memory at St. Luke's:  Literally one of the first things I remember, ever, is the "Little White Church". I can still see the manual Hymnal stands on both sides of the alter. I was baptized there, confirmed and married in the new church we know today.

    Favorite Bible Verse:  Hebrews 11:1-- Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."

    Favorite Free Time Activity:  Traveling, Cooking, Volunteering, Winter Sports, Racquet Sports; Pickleball anyone?


    member at-large     

    Favorite thing about St. Luke's: My church family and the support and love we give each other.  

    Favorite Memory at St. Luke's:  The baptism and confirmation of my two sons.

    Favorite Bible Verse:  Ephesians 3:18-19 - - "I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."   

    Favorite Free Time Activity:  Travel, sewing, crafting, just being retired. 

  • liz wiken

    member at-large     

    Favorite thing about St. Luke's:   The people, this is my extended family. 

    Favorite Memory at St. Luke's:    First Christmas service Mike and I attended in 2003, Pastor Carolyn told the true Christmas story from the eyes of Mrs. Claus. How could we not come back? Brock and Crystal's wedding and the baptisms of my granddaughters, Ewelina and Zofia. 

    Favorite Bible Verse:  Micah 6:8 - - "He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"   

    Favorite Free Time Activity:   Any time I have the opportunity to listen to live music. Of course, to dance like no one is watching. Listening to or reading a good book. Long walks with a good friend. 

  • jess williamson

    member at-large

    Favorite thing about St. Luke's:  

    Favorite Memory at St. Luke's:  

    Favorite Bible Verse:  

    Favorite Free Time Activity: