Women in God’s Service (WINGS) meet monthly for Bible study, fellowship and service.  Members enjoy each other's company and

conversation based around an agreed upon study. 

New members are ALWAYS welcome!


When  And  Where  Does  This  Group  Meet?

The third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. - - locations vary (contact the church office of where you can join them next)

What  More  Do  I  Need  To  Know?

Participants bring their own Bibles. If we are using a book, you will be given the information of how to purchase your own copy. All other study materials will be provided. 

How  Do  I  Join  This  Group?

Easy! Just click the 'I'm Interested!' button above, or simply show up to a  Once we have received your information, we will put you in contact with the group coordinator.  


What  If  I  Have  Other  Questions?

Please contact the church office by E-MAIL or by phone (414) 421-1670. You may also speak to one of the group coordinators, Jan Miller or Judi Hensley.